A Typical Day
Putting Our Pupils At The Heart Of Their Education
Specific times may vary slightly from year to year, please click here and refer to our useful information page for exact times.

8:05am - 8:35am
Free Breakfast Club
A free breakfast club is run every day for pupils of all ages. Pupils can be dropped off from 8:05am and will be offered a healthy breakfast and drink. Pupils are supervised by school staff and will be taken to their respective classes ready for registration.

8:35am - 8:45am
Registration & Wellbeing
Pupils participate in maths or literacy challenges, while accessing Speakr, our online wellbeing tool. We also have a 'check in' every morning to share our feelings. Before lessons start, pupils participate in PausePoints, a 3-minute class-based yoga session.

8:50am - 9:15pm
SMILE time
Throughout the school, all pupils enjoy targeted support to work towards their learning targets.

9:20am - 9:40am (PS2)
Letters & Sounds and Phonics session
A short, sharp session to develop pupil’s basic skills, phonics and reading skills.

9:40am - 11:45am (PS2)
9:20am - 12:15am (PS3)
Concept Based Inquiry sessions – Rotations & Reflections
Throughout the day, we use a variety of teaching and learning approaches based on the concept and context of learning, covering all aspects of the curriculum. Our teaching & learning encompasses the use of Literacy, Numeracy and digital skills throughout all areas of learning. We may also use the outdoors to support our pupils learning and wellbeing. The pupils are involved in the planning of these sessions, having their say. We have ‘flexible breaks’ in the morning, meaning our pupils can take a break when naturally right for them so as not to interrupt their learning. At this time, pupils can purchase a healthy snack from the 'Tasty Tuck Shop' or alternatively, they can bring in a healthy snack from home.
12pm - 1:00pm
Lunch & Play Time
For lunch, a wide variety of nutritious meals are cooked on the premises, which are available to pre-order through ParentPay. Pupils are also welcome to bring a healthy lunchbox to school.
Click on the button below to find out more including information on ParentPay, Free School Meals, Healthy Living, to View Our Menu, and more.

1:00pm - 2:45pm
Concept Based Inquiry sessions – Rotations & Reflections
Throughout the day, we use a variety of teaching and learning approaches based on the concept and context of learning, covering all aspects of the curriculum. Our teaching & learning encompasses the use of Literacy, Numeracy and digital skills throughout all areas of learning. We may also use the outdoors to support our pupils learning and wellbeing. The pupils are involved in the planning of these sessions, having their say. PE sessions are taught discretely on a nominated day.

2:45pm - 3:10pm
A short ‘drillio’ session where pupils practice their vocabulary and language patterns.
Wellbeing Session
At the end of the learning day, pupils ‘check out’ by sharing their successes, achievements and feelings about their day in school. Again, this is a really important time as we do not want pupils going home and worrying about something that happened in school.
Amser Stori
Time to relax and enjoy a story to end the day.

3pm - 6pm
After School Club - Twts Tywi
We offer an after-school club which is run by an independent childcare provider Twts Tywi every day between 3:15pm - 5.30pm.
Charges include a light snack and drink. This club is offered to pupils of all school ages from Nursery to Year 6.