Additional Learning Needs

Encouraging Children To Be Happy & Successful

Information on ALN provision Parent Carer Information. Our job is to help your child achieve the very best they can at school.

The information below is to inform you of the support available to your child at Llandeilo Primary School. It will help you to understand who can help and how this support can be accessed.

ALN Transformation video for children, young people and families.

1How do you know if a child needs extra help?

How do you know if a child needs extra help?

All children at Llandeilo Primary School are monitored closely by their Class Teachers. This is done through regular assessment and Pupil Progress Meetings to discuss individual needs and progress.

We use a graduated response to identifying children who may require extra support. Initially this is identified and addressed by the class teacher to ensure needs are being met within the class. If the Class Teacher feels the child still is not making the expected progress, they will be discussed with the Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo) and yourselves. Assessments may be carried out and if necessary, referred to external agencies with the consent of the Parent/Carers.

If Parent/Carers have any concerns, they should see the Class Teacher in the first instance.

At Llandeilo Primary we have an open-door policy and teachers are available for brief discussions at the end of the school day. An appointment can be made if a more detailed discussion is needed.

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2How will the school support my child?

How will the school support my child?

Your child’s education will be overseen by the Class Teacher. Our ALNCo oversees all support and progress of any child with additional needs across the school.

There may be a Teaching Assistant (TA) working with your child either individually or as part of a group. If this is above the normal support given in the class these sessions will be explained to the Parent/Carers when the support starts or during Parent/Carer evenings.

Our new morning ‘SMILE TIME’ approach allows our pupils to receive targeted intervention to address areas they may struggle with. This happens several times a week, at the beginning of the school day and means that most ALN pupils are no longer withdrawn from lessons to receive support.

There may be a few pupils who require more specific or smaller group / individual intervention out of class, but we aim to minimise time out of class.

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3How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

All work within class is planned and differentiated at an appropriate level so that all children are able to access the curriculum according to their specific needs.

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4How will I know how my child is doing?

How will I know how my child is doing?

There are parent/carer evenings in the Autumn and Spring terms and the ALNCo is available to meet with you at these times if you would like to discuss their support.

Progress reports are shared in the Spring and Summer term and staff are available to discuss these with you.

In addition to this, children with complex needs or in receipt of a Statement, will have an Annual Review meeting to inform and plan for next steps.

Schools are in the process of transferring from the old Special Educational Needs system to follow the new Additional Learning Needs transformation code. This means that pupils in certain year groups, or those with newly identified needs may have a support sequence or an IDP (Individual Development Plan) to target their areas of need. These documents to decide and record their support will be created with you.

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5What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?

What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?

In addition to support received for academic subjects, there is a range of pastoral support available.

We utilise an emotional wellbeing tool called ‘Speakr’ that the children can access at a minimum of twice daily. We run social groups to help children express their feelings and to interact socially. There is always the opportunity for any child to talk with a trained adult about concerns and anxieties.

We have strong links with the behaviour support team and have access to trained counsellors available to work individually with children to address any more serious issues. We also have a Parent and Family Support Advisor (Plant Dewi representative) who can work with children and families. Specific support plans will be put into place for children experiencing difficulties with social and emotional and mental health issues, and those needing medical support or alternate care.

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6What specialist services are accessed by the school?

What specialist services are accessed by the School?

When a child has a specific need, we can access county services such as Educational Psychologists, Learning Support Services, Language and Communication, Autism Support Services and Social, Emotional and Mental Health Support advisors.

We also work closely with services to seek advice for physical impairments and medical conditions, including hearing and vision support. We can access Speech and Language Therapists, Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists via the NHS when needed. We employ interventions within the school which support the advice of the above services.

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7How accessible is the school environment?

How accessible is the School environment?

The school site is partially wheelchair accessible. As an inclusive school, we strive to ensure that all pupils have equal access to all learning opportunities and experiences.

For those children with additional needs, alternative provision can be made, for example, additional adult support, inclusive travel arrangements, or alternative arrangements for the administration of medicines.

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8How will the school support my child’s transitions to a new setting?

How will the School support my child’s transitions to a new setting?

Prior to starting in Nursery, children identified as having additional needs by Health or educational professionals will have a School Entry Planning meeting. This will be attended by you, pre-school staff, school staff and any external professionals involved in supporting your child. It plans out how all concerned can make the transition to school as smooth as possible. For children with medical needs, this will include identifying staff training needs to ensure your child’ s needs are fully met. All families will be invited to new parent/carer meetings to gather information.

All children and parent/carers will be invited to attend transition sessions to ensure they are familiar with the staff and the setting in advance.

If your child has specific needs, a personalised transition will be organised in addition to existing transition arrangements to their new class within Llandeilo Primary School.

On moving to secondary school, children in Year 6 with additional needs are discussed with the ALNCo at the Secondary School once places have been allocated. An individual transition programme may be organised if required. If your child has complex needs, a representative from the secondary school will be invited to attend their Annual Review meeting.

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9What training is provided for support staff who work with children with ALN?

What training is provided for support staff who work with children with ALN?

All staff who work with individuals or groups of children on specific interventions will have received training to deliver the sessions. These sessions are overseen by the Class Teacher and ALNCo to monitor the progress of the children.

Carmarthenshire’s support services, the therapeutic services and charities offer a comprehensive list of training which schools can access. The extent and level of training provided depends on the nature of a child’s needs. Where necessary, the local authorities advisory service can offer outreach support to schools so that our staff are able to receive support and training within our school setting.

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10How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s ALN needs?

How are the School’s resources allocated and matched to children’s ALN needs?

We ensure that our provision for children who have additional learning needs are met to the best of the school’s ability with the funds available. We have a number of support staff who are funded from the budget provided by the local authority that are able to support group and individual needs.

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11Who do I see if I am worried?

Who do I see if I am worried?

⭐️ Speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance. They will bring your concern to the attention of the ALNCo, Mrs Cerys Holker, who will contact you to discuss further, and if appropriate, work with you to decide any extra support required, if deemed necessary.

⭐️ If you feel matters are still not resolved, you can make an appointment with the Headteacher to discuss your concerns.

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12Who might work with my child?

Who might work with my child?

A range of outside professionals might be called in to support the school in providing the best opportunities for every child. These include:

⭐️ Speech and Language Therapists

⭐️ Educational Child Psychologists

⭐️ Leaming Support Advisory Teachers

⭐️ Social, Emotional and Mental Health Advisory Teachers

⭐️ Physical Impairment and Medical Support

⭐️ Hearing Impairment Advisory Teachers

⭐️ Visual Impairment Advisory Teachers

⭐️ Occupational Therapists

⭐️ Occupational Physiotherapists

⭐️ Autism and Communication Advisors

⭐️ School nurse

⭐️ Paediatric services

⭐️ Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services


⭐️ Counselling Services

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